Musical and Dance Auditions in Las Vegas
Unlike the basic auditions in Las Vegas, this one will require you to showcase both your singing and dancing abilities. The dance routines at this audition might be more challenging, so be prepared to learn a combination on the spot. Choose comfortable clothing that allows for unrestricted movement when picking your outfit for the audition. To create a lasting impression on the casting panel, consider coordinating the colors of your audition outfit with your dancewear. A cohesive look can help you stand out and be remembered.
Las Vegas auditions often involve showcasing your versatility by singing two short, contrasting pieces, typically sixteen bars each. While time limits usually prevent singing full songs, pick a powerful excerpt with a clear beginning and ending that makes a strong impression. Since you might not get to perform both selections, prioritize starting with your most impactful piece.
Projecting confidence is key to a winning dance performance. Maintain eye contact and a smile, letting your body mechanics take a backseat. During auditions, resist the urge to peek at the choreographer, dance captain, or fellow dancers — that's a beginner's move that won't wow the casting director in Las Vegas. To truly stand out, showcase your ability to embody the character while executing intricate choreography flawlessly. This masterful combination is sure to make you a star.